Ikona4Easysoft Záchrana dat



4Easysoft Záchrana dat is an easy-to-use tool to help you manage and save your lost data from computer, flash drive, and recycle bin to rescue your crashed computers. With simple clicks, it will scan all the data and classify them in different types, then you can choose the desired music, photos, documents, videos, emails, and more data to recover.

4Easysoft Data Recovery Interface

Nákup a registrace

More fancy features in 4Easysoft Data Recovery are waiting for you to explore and you just need to simply purchase the program to unlock all the available features in it. Click the Nákup button (cart icon) at the top-right corner and choose a desired license according to your need. You will receive the registration code in your email.

Purchase a Install

Poté můžete kliknout na Registrovat button (key icon) besides the purchase button. Here you can enter the email address you used to buy the license and the registration code you just receive. Finally, click the Registrovat button to activate.

Register Full License


Ruční aktualizace: Klikněte na Jídelní lístek button from top-right corner and click the Zkontrolovat aktualizace button. The update check will start now, and it will provide the latest version for you to download.

Check Update Manually

Automatická aktualizace: Klikněte na Jídelní lístek tlačítko a poté Předvolby button. In the popping-up window, you can tick the Automaticky kontrolovat aktualizace button for regular check every time you start the program. Moreover, you can enable the automatic update when you exit the program without further confirmation.

Aktualizovat automaticky


Pod Předvolby button, you can also adjust the Zlepšení zákaznické zkušenosti nastavení. Je zaručeno, že během procesu nepronikne vaše soukromí. Tuto funkci můžete samozřejmě kdykoli zapnout/vypnout.

Preference zákaznické zkušenosti

Obnovit všechna data

4Easysoft Data Recovery enables you to recover data from computer hard drives, external flash drives, recycle bin, and any selected folders. You can even choose to scan the desired file types to help you quickly find the lost data without wasting time. Read the detailed steps below to recover your data now:

Step 1: Choose the Desired Location

After launching 4Easysoft Data Recovery, you should select the desired location to recover the lost data, including Windows C/D hard disk drive, external drive your inserted, recycle bin, etc. You can even select the plocha počítače location to scan the whole computer.

If you also know the file type of the lost data, you can tick the Obraz, Zvuk, Video, E-mailnebo Dokument button to save your time. Then, click the Skenovat tlačítko pro spuštění.

Vyberte Soubor a umístění

Step 2: Quick or Deep Scan

After the quick scan finished in few seconds, you will see the popping-up window of the notification. You can directly start recovering all data now by clicking the You can recover them now knoflík.

Rychlá kontrola

The scanning is still processing, so you should do nothing if you want to have a deep scan. It will take you’re a few minutes.

Step 3: Select the Desired Data

V levém podokně můžete najít požadovaná data z Seznam cest nebo Seznam typů. Vyberte jeden z typů souborů a vyberte požadovaný formát, abyste je mohli rychle najít.

Seznam typů cest

Moreover, you can use the Filtr tool to find the desired data accurately. You can enter the information about the extension, created or modified date, etc. Click the Aplikovat tlačítko pro pokračování.

Funkce filtru

Step 4: Preview the Selected Data

From the top-right corner, you can change the way to preview the data. The default way is Náhled, which will only show one image of the video. Thus, you can click the Obsah button to preview the data in large screen and check the metadata information.

Náhled obsahu

Step 5: Recover Data to the Desired Folder

Klikněte na Uzdravit se a vyberte požadovanou složku pro uložení dat. Po několika minutách procesu se obnovená data automaticky objeví ve složce souboru.

Show Recovered Data

4Easysoft Data Recovery – Obnovte všechny typy souborů z počítačů, pevných disků a dalších zařízení.