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Élettartamra 1 Macen
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Quick Start for 4Easysoft iOS Data Backup and Restore for Mac

Adatmentés és visszaállítás

1.Connect Your Devices

Dob 4Easysoft iOS Data Backup and Restore for Mac and connect your iOS device to the computer via USB cable. After that, you can choose to backup or restore iOS data.

Két mód az adatok biztonsági mentésére

Choose the Desired Mode

There are two backup modes for you, including Standard Mode and Encrypted Mode. If you have some private information with password to backup and restore, please choose the encrypted mode.

Készítsen biztonsági másolatot a kívánt adatokról

Select the Desired Data to Backup

After that, you can select the desired data, including the videos, photos, contacts, apps, and more. You can also select all data quickly. Then, click the Következő button to start backing up data.

Állítsa vissza az adatokat iOS-eszközére

Restore Data from the Histories

If you want to restore data from your computer to new iPhone, just click the iOS adat-visszaállítás button and choose the desired history to copy data.

30% KI Csomagtermékeinkért

How 4Easysoft DVD Ripper Works

iOS helyreállítás

The Easiest Way to Retrieve Deleted iMessages from iPhone/iPad/iPod touch

iOS helyreállítás

The Easiest Way to Retrieve Deleted iMessages from iPhone/iPad/iPod touch

iOS helyreállítás

The Easiest Way to Retrieve Deleted iMessages from iPhone/iPad/iPod touch

iOS helyreállítás

The Easiest Way to Retrieve Deleted iMessages from iPhone/iPad/iPod touch

iOS helyreállítás

The Easiest Way to Retrieve Deleted iMessages from iPhone/iPad/iPod touch

iOS helyreállítás

The Easiest Way to Retrieve Deleted iMessages from iPhone/iPad/iPod touch

iOS helyreállítás

The Easiest Way to Retrieve Deleted iMessages from iPhone/iPad/iPod touch

iOS helyreállítás

The Easiest Way to Retrieve Deleted iMessages from iPhone/iPad/iPod touch

iOS helyreállítás

The Easiest Way to Retrieve Deleted iMessages from iPhone/iPad/iPod touch

iOS helyreállítás

The Easiest Way to Retrieve Deleted iMessages from iPhone/iPad/iPod touch

iOS helyreállítás

The Easiest Way to Retrieve Deleted iMessages from iPhone/iPad/iPod touch

iOS helyreállítás

The Easiest Way to Retrieve Deleted iMessages from iPhone/iPad/iPod touch

Miért válassza a 4Easysoftot?