First, connect your iPhone to the Mac with a USB cable. Then, launch the iPhone Transfer on your Mac and make sure your iTunes is the latest version. Next, click 공구 상자 그리고 PC로 내보내기, which will show the general data on your iPhone. Finally, click 시작 to begin transferring.
To transfer the data from your previous iPhone to a new one, you need to prepare two USB cables that can connect them to your Mac. Launch the program on your Mac and go to 공구 상자. 그런 다음 클릭하세요 전화 대 전화, and the program will automatically detect the two iPhones connected to the Mac. Click Start to begin the transfer.
Easily manage your contacts on your iPhone within a few clicks. Directly click 콘택트 렌즈 on the main interface after connecting your iPhone to your Mac. Now, you can manage all the contacts on the computer. You can edit numbers, delete numbers, or even import contacts from CSV files on your Mac. Or click Mac으로 내보내기 to save all the contacts on your Mac.
평생 가격: $35.95
4Easysoft iPhone Cleaner for Mac을 사용하면 불필요한 파일을 삭제하고 기기를 더 빠르게 만들 수 있습니다.
평생 가격: $49.94
4Easysoft iPhone Transfer for Mac을 사용하면 모든 데이터를 iOS 기기, 컴퓨터, iTunes 간에 전송할 수 있습니다.
4Easysoft 1 + 1 for Mac
iPhone 클리너 + 전송 번들
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