About Me

"Capturing moments, empowering creativity - one guide at a time." New ideas always pop up in my mind when I find interesting things and new knowledge to capture and share.



Ethan Brooke is a dedicated content creator with a strong background in multimedia and technology. With a degree in Media Studies and years of experience in crafting insightful guides, he has much knowledge about all media platforms. Passionate about simplifying complex tools, he strives to provide readers with practical advice and easy-to-follow tutorials.



Ethan Brooke specializes in topics related to audio and video recording, gameplay capturing, and screenshot tools. With his experience, he knows simple ways to record on all platforms and how to make your recordings wonderful.



During spare time, Ethan Brooke enjoys playing games, photography, and outdoor adventures. Sometimes, he also shares his game recordings on YouTube.


Hvor gjør Obs lagre opptak
Hvor lagrer OBS opptak? Svarene er her! [2024]

Er du nysgjerrig på hvor OBS lagrer opptak? Hvis det er for komplisert for deg, er dette innleggets svar her for å hjelpe.

22. november 2024 | Lagt ut til Ta opp video

Recommended Tools


Capture all screen activities including video, audio, gameplay, webcam, and phone screen.

Total Video Converter

Edit your captured recordings with stunning effects/templates before sharing on media platforms.