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Quick Start for 4Easysoft iOS System Recovery for Mac

Remediați sistemul iOS

Start Scanning Your Device

Lansa 4Easysoft iOS System Recovery for Mac after downloading, and connect your iOS device to the computer via USB cable. After that, click the start button to fix all iOS system issues.

Informatie despre dispozitiv

Choose the Desired Mode

You can quickly fix your iOS by clicking the Remediere rapidă gratuită button, which will solve simple problems. If you want to do further fixes, click the Fix button and choose from the Mod standard și Mod avansat according to your need.

Descărcați firmware-ul dorit

Download New iOS Firmware

După ce faceți clic pe A confirma button, you can can choose the latest iOS version to download. You can also upgrade or download your iOS system in this way. In several minutes, you can restart your devices normally.

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